Add here we have my Subspace Ship-sets. All Standard VIE size with rolls. Not the most amazing ships in the world, but are quite nice actually in game with the rolls. All of these ships are included with ShipSetDJ.
Also if you think you would like to create some new ships in this day and age, clicking the download link directly below will get you my ship-set tutorial. The .zip includes the template files which contain the needed animations, a readme file to provide some guidance, and a utility to assemble the rendered frames.
Unity |
"Judge" |
"Legacy" |
"Worm" |
"Malice" |
"Sacrifice" |
"Therapist" |
"Confusticate" |
"Stranger" |
Insidius Ephal |
"Anathema" |
"Celerity" |
"Noumenon" |
"Beleaguer" |
"Opprobrious" |
"Quintessence" |
"Reverbaratus" |
"Phenomenon" |
Xodos |
"Invado" |
"Firmus" |
"Obscuro" |
"Munio" |
"Incendia" |
"Eximietate" |
"Repente" |
"Insolitus" |
Witch FX II |
"Warlock" |
"Interceptor" |
"Terminal Void" |
"BlueVoodoo" |
"Avenger" |
"Witch" |
"Thermaturgy" |
"Necromancer" |